Hey Rach

Hey baby. It’s 10:35pm; it’s another lonely night in camp. I miss ya. So many things I wanna say to you but there’s always something that pulls me back; it kinda ties me by the throat and it never lets the words out. When I’m right by you I can never find it in me to let you know how precious you are to me, even though deep inside every inch of me just wants to hold you tight and never let go.

These few days I’ve been feeling rather distant from ya. Perhaps it’s because I haven’t been showing you enough affection and care that I owe you so much as a partner. Perhaps, it’s all the settling into university and camps that you’ve become so occupied with that your mind’s elsewhere most of the time now. Or it could be simply because we’re threading two really different paths in our lives now that inevitably sets our ways so divergent from each other.

Whatever it is, I always find solace in the fact that whenever I’m down I can fall back on ya. I guess I don’t have a lot of friends I can confide in but you’re all I really need right now.

Tonight I’m feeling a little worse off though. My insecurities are jamming up my mind and my head’s in a mess. You’re out with your classmates so it’s hard to talk


another unfinished post. writing can be such a chore…. By the day I’m struggling more and more to find the words I need to say what I feel. The same words I was once able to pour seamlessly from pen to paper, mind to text. yet now all I see is myself churning out clunky and awkward sentences

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